Best WooCommerce crypto payment processors

Woocommerce crypto payment
WooCommerce is an e-commerce platform that runs on WordPress, offering merchants a user-friendly and easy-to-set-up system that can accept payments from customers worldwide. While traditional payment methods are still in use, a growing number of customers prefer cryptocurrencies as their preferred payment method. This is where WooCommerce crypto payments come in. By accepting cryptocurrencies, merchants can reduce transaction fees, reach a broader audience, provide greater security and privacy, and stay ahead of the competition. In this article, we explore 3 of the best WooCommerce crypto payment processors available today, namely FCF Pay, Coingate, and Bitpay. We'll focus on their fees, accepted cryptocurrencies, functionalities, and WooCommerce integration, so you can make an informed decision when choosing the right crypto payment processor for your online store.
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Picture of Alan Ledford

Alan Ledford

Alan Ledford is a seasoned e-commerce enthusiast with a passion for cryptocurrencies. With years of experience in the digital payments industry.

WooCommerce crypto payments

WooCommerce is a popular e-commerce platform that’s built on top of the WordPress content management system. It’s designed to be user-friendly and easy to set up, making it a great option for businesses of all sizes. One of the advantages of using WooCommerce is that it offers a range of payment processing options, allowing merchants to accept payments from customers around the world. While traditional payment methods like credit cards and PayPal are still popular, more and more consumers are turning to cryptocurrencies as a means of payment. For this reason, WooCommerce crypto payments are becoming increasingly important.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at some of the best WooCommerce crypto payment processors available within WooCommerce. Whether you’re a small business owner or a large e-commerce retailer, accepting crypto payments can help you elevate your business. Accepting crypto payments can help merchants:

  • Reduce transaction fees compared to credit card payments, making it a more cost-effective option.
  • Reach a broader audience, especially those who prefer to use digital currencies as a form of payment.
  • Prevent chargebacks
  • Provide greater security and privacy compared to traditional payment methods.
  • Stay ahead of the competition and offer innovative payment options to customers.

Overall, accepting crypto payments can be a smart move for WooCommerce webshops looking to expand their payment options and provide a better shopping experience for their customers.

Best WooCommerce crypto payment processors

Why should you trust our reviews? At, our reviews are the culmination of meticulous research, industry expertise, and ongoing refinement. Here’s why you can rely on our evaluations:

  • Thorough Research & Expertise:
    We’ve dedicated over 130 hours to meticulously researching and evaluating more than 20 cryptocurrency payment processors of which most have a plugin for WooCommerce. With a diverse background spanning e-commerce, financial services, and crypto, our team brings a comprehensive understanding of the industry. This ensures our reviews are insightful, well-informed, and grounded in practical experience.
  • Hands-On Assessment:
    We believe in hands-on evaluation. Each payment processor undergoes rigorous testing – from integration to transaction execution within WooCommerce environments. By immersing ourselves in the process, we gain firsthand insights into functionality, compatibility, and user experience. This approach enables us to provide nuanced evaluations beyond surface-level observations.
  • Continuous Improvement:
    Our dedication doesn’t end with publication. We actively monitor industry trends and solicit feedback from our audience. This allows us to refine and update our reviews, ensuring they remain current and invaluable resources. Whether it’s incorporating reader insights or staying ahead of emerging developments, we’re committed to continuously enhancing the quality of our reviews.

1. FCF Pay

FCF Pay is a crypto payment gateway that enables merchants to easily accept payments in various cryptocurrencies. With its innovative approach, it has been recognized as the “Most Innovative Project of 2022” at the Dubai crypto expo. FCF Pay is a great option for merchants using WooCommerce, as they offer an easy-to-use WooCommerce plugin that makes integration seamless.

One of the main advantages of FCF Pay is its low transaction fees as. Especially for those that proces large volumes of payments. With fees as low as 0.5%, FCF Pay provides a cost-effective solution that can save merchants significant amounts of money.

Accepted cryptocurrencies
FCF Pay also accepts a wide range of over 80 different cryptocurrencies, including all major cryptocurrencies. This allows merchants using FCF Pay to offer their customers more payment options, potentially increasing their sales and expanding their customer base.

FCF Pay also offers a range of smart functionalities to help merchants and customers when accepting cryptocurrencies. For instance, Smart Swap protects merchants from the volatility of crypto, and FCF Pay provides a wide selection of off-ramping partners, online and offline crypto payment gateways, an invoicing system, a white-label solution, a donation widget and crypto credit cards.

WooCommerce Integration
Integrating FCF Pay into a WooCommerce store is easy and straightforward thanks to the FCF Pay WooCommerce plugin. You should first register for an FCF Pay account which takes minutes and does not require you to verify your ID compared to some of it’s competitors. Thereafter you can download and install the FCF Pay plugin within WordPress itself or with the link provided. For more experienced users there is also an API available.

In summary, FCF Pay is a highly innovative crypto payment gateway that offers low transaction fees, a wide range of accepted cryptocurrencies, and many smart functionalities, making it a top-rated gateway overall. Its easy integration with WooCommerce makes it a great option for merchants looking to accept crypto payments.

2. Coingate

Coingate is a reputable crypto payment gateway that has been operating since 2014. It is headquartered in Lithuania and has processed more than 2.5 million cryptocurrency transactions, making it a prominent player in the industry.

Coingate charges a flat 1% fee for all transactions, making it a simple and transparent option for merchants. However, when registering using any of our links you get a 10% discount on all fees for three months. This flat rate is applicable to all merchants, regardless of their monthly spend, making it a cost-effective solution for small and large businesses alike.

Accepted cryptocurrencies
Coingate allows merchants to accept over 70 different cryptocurrencies, including the most popular ones. This gives merchants the ability to offer their customers a diverse range of payment options, which can increase sales and attract a wider customer base.

Coingate offers a range of functionalities to help merchants and customers when accepting cryptocurrencies. This includes an online and offline gateway but also volatility protection.

WooCommerce Integration
Coingate provides merchants with a seamless way to integrate cryptocurrency payments into their online store by offering an easy-to-use plugin for WooCommerce. Setting up the plugin is straightforward and hassle-free. Once you’ve created and verified your Coingate account, you can download the WordPress plugin directly from the admin panel or the WordPress website. Follow the simple steps provided in the setup guide, and in no time, you’ll be able to start accepting crypto payments on your online store

Coingate is a reliable and affordable crypto payment gateway that offers merchants a flat 1% fee for all transactions, a wide range of supported cryptocurrencies, and features such as online and offline gateway. The Coingate plugin for WooCommerce makes it easy for merchants to start accepting cryptocurrency payments on their online store.

3. Bitpay

Bitpay is a crypto payment gateway founded in 2011 with a goal to revolutionize how businesses and people send, receive, and store money globally. It has processed over $5 billion in transactions so far, and it is considered the world’s leading crypto processor based on volume.

Bitpay’s fees are on the higher end of the spectrum and are based on the processing volume of a business. Customers processing less than $500,000 a month will pay a 2% fee, whereas those processing between $500,000 and $999,999 will pay 1.5%, and those processing over $1,000,000 will pay 1%. Some high-risk industries may be subject to even higher fees.

Accepted cryptocurrencies
Bitpay supports over 15 cryptocurrencies, which is less than some of its major competitors. While Bitpay supports Bitcoin and Ethereum, it does not support four out of the top 10 cryptocurrencies. Surprisingly, Bitpay has not integrated Tether (USDT), the largest stablecoin, which is ideal for online payments. However, Bitpay has integrated some lesser-known cryptocurrencies such as Apecoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Shiba Inu.

Bitpay provides its merchants with an online gateway, an offline gateway, volatility protection, invoices, a donation page and recurring payments.

WooCommerce Integration
Bitpay offers a seamless integration process for merchants who want to start accepting cryptocurrency payments. The merchant needs to register for a Bitpay merchant account and provide business registration documents and photo identification. Once the registration process is complete, Bitpay offers a pre-built WooCommerce integration which can be found within the WordPress plug-in section and is called ‘BitPay checkout for WooCommerce’.

In summary, Pay is a competitive payment processor in the crypto space with a wide range of supported cryptocurrencies and additional functionalities such as volatility protection and an invoicing system. However, the fees may not be as clearly communicated and customers must have a account to use the payment gateway.


In conclusion, WooCommerce crypto payments can be a smart move for businesses looking to expand their payment options and provide a better shopping experience for their customers. WooCommerce is a user-friendly e-commerce platform that offers a range of payment processing options, including crypto payments. FCF Pay, Coingate, and Bitpay are some of the top-rated crypto payment processors available within WooCommerce. FCF Pay is highly innovative, with low transaction fees, a wide range of accepted cryptocurrencies, and many smart functionalities, while Coingate is a reliable and affordable option with a flat 1% fee for all transactions and a wide range of supported cryptocurrencies. Bitpay is the world’s leading crypto processor based on volume, but its fees are on the higher end of the spectrum.

By accepting crypto payments through platforms such as FCF Pay, Coingate, and Bitpay, merchants can provide customers with more payment options, reduce transaction fees, increase security and privacy, prevent chargebacks, and ultimately, offer a better shopping experience that can help their businesses thrive in a rapidly evolving digital economy.

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